Monday, 23 June 2014

Making my world a friendlier place

I've decided to take a new approach to things, life things, friend-making things.  I recently returned from a 3 1/2 week solo trip in Europe where I rediscovered my ability to make friends.  Long gone are the days of insta-friends in the sand box and being someone's friend just 'cause they were in your class. Making new friends as an adult is hard.  And as it's been chronicled over and over again, Toronto is notoriously unfriendly.  It's not mean or cold, just not very typically friendly.  I'm on a mini-mission/experiment to change that. 

But Andrea, how will you change an entire city's attitude?  It's easy, I won't.  But I will change mine and maybe yours too.

I had a conversation on my travels with someone about how it's so much easier to make friends on the road than it is at home.  We pondered why that was and concluded that at home, we're always worried about how this new person will fit into our lives.  When we're traveling we don't have to worry about that.  We just enjoy the new person's company in the moment and then when it's over, it's just one of your travel stories.  I had dinner with a woman whose name I didn't even know in Berlin, but I remember how lovely she was and how enjoyable our time was. 

Now the tricky part is having that same attitude at home when all that real-life stuff is trying to get in the way.  So here's my plan.  I'm going to say "hello".  That's it.  That's how I'm going to revolutionize my friend-making attitude.  Maybe we'll go for a beverage, maybe we won't.  Maybe you'll take me to see some really cool band or show, maybe you won't.  Maybe I'll share one of my grandma's home remedies with you, maybe I won't.  It doesn't matter.  We're just going to enjoy that 3 minutes in each other's company as we wait in line at the grocery store or approach the bar at the same time to order a drink.

I've been on this kick for just about a week now and I've already gone for a walk, been invited for coffee and found myself a dance partner.  Follow along on twitter #HeyStranger and let me know if you've been successful in making your world a little friendlier. 

 * This does not mean that I don't love and cherish my current friends.  I do. But whoever heard of not wanting more friends? Besides, I'm not thinking about how these people are going to fit into my life.  It's just a "hello".


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